Missing: Trent and Christina - George who was running the 3m 1/2 Marathon, Tony who just completed the Tough Mudder, and Raj, Sarah, Stephen who were recovering from a cold/flu. We missed you guys!
This weekend my I AM CROSSFIT team met for our first team WOD. We are ending week 3 and about to kick off week 4. I strategically planned to meet this week!
Here's my unofficial theory:
Weeks 1-3: These weeks fly by! They are 'cake' (not literally, SS!) or at least you are carried through with the excitement of a new challenge!
Weeks 7 & 8: Also, 'cake' because week 7 you're almost done, you can see the light, and you're enjoying the progress you've already made - Week 8, EASY - it's the last week!
Weeks 4, 5, & 6: These weeks are the proving ground. This is the time to use your life lines - phone a friend (do you have a support system in place?)- ask the audience (your team is here to support) - consult an expert (call your coach)! By now you are aware of when and where you get tripped up. You also know what to do to stay on track. Plan - commit - make it happen!
This is also a good time to reassess your goals.
Are they realistic? Are you taking the steps you committed to in order to reach them? Do they need to be adjusted with your coach?
After just 3 weeks here are some of what's happening with my team:
Obstacles still to overcome:
- staying focused on the weekends or at work socials
- breaking - like really removing! - the SWEET tooth
- finding best choices while traveling or in conference rooms/office space
- planning food for the entire week
- 3 reports of looser fitting clothes
- 2 people have lost 7-8lbs already
- 2 people have successfully gotten his/her first Double Under - a few are stringing several together!
- 1 person got her first kipping pull up
- 1 person got her first handstand push-up
- 1 person has successfully gone from Vegetarian to Paleo Caveman :)
- EVERYONE has made drastic nutrition changes in order to reach his/her goals
Congratulations to everyone who is pushing through the challenge. Post your successes or obstacles to comments and let us know how you're doing!
1 Person is totally digging the Bender Thiel Green Drink