Remember as a child, when someone was always yelling for you to 'slow down' or 'stop running' ?
Now most of us cringe when Big Mike puts a 400m run in the WOD and often express how much we 'hate to run'.
The goal of CrossFit Central Endurance Elements is to take you back to the First Principles of running -
to reteach you to:
- run like you did when you were a child
- run like you did before you 'hated' running and
- run like you did before modern shoe technology changed your run gait.
Simply put, the First Principles of Running include: smille and have fun, lean/fall into your run, pull your foot off the ground quickly to get ready for your next step!
Practicing the PULL -use your hamstring to pull your foot off the ground quickly!
Carey and I are offering our CFE Elements course again starting with April programs.
What is CrossFit Central Endurance Elements?
CrossFit Central Endurance Elements is an introduction to proper run technique. The class meets 5 times over the course of 4 weeks and is limited to 10 people. You'll learn to spend less time on the ground where injury occurs and find your most efficient run gait! When you join us for this 5 session course expect to improve your run form/efficiency by 65-70%.
Included in this program:
*Video analysis of your running - taken on the first and fourth session
*Drills and homework to complete each week
*CFE workbook for each participant
More information and CFE Elements Sign up HERE.
Contact me with any questions
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