Ryan, Me, Coach Ben Flores after Ryan's final Spartan 300 benchmark!
CrossFit Central is all about - making fitness fun again - building community - engaging friends and family in your journey to meet goals - and ending up with a healthier, happier lifestyle!
CrossFit Central's tag line is "Building a Fit Community" -
I think Ryan's story is a great example of just that - the benefits go far beyond just a 'good workout' or a 'cool gym'- the results spill over into our everyday lives.
Ryan joined CrossFit Central at RunTex a few months ago and was on my Spartan team. He has made dramatic changes in both his fitness and overall nutrition. See what Ryan has to say about his experience.
I can happily say that I have achieved some of my goals for this Challenge. I successfully dropped my body fat % down to the 13s, I completed and then some the Spartan Benchmark Workout, I cleansed a large portion of my lifestyle, from the way I eat to how I train, I feel happier and healthier than I have in a long time, Thank you.
For a long time my workouts consisted of weight training and limited cardio workouts.I always tended to be on and off again in physical fitness, when I am deployed overseas and food consists of only what you need, always being on the move and limited availability of personal time, lifting weights was one of the only things we had extra time for or was one of few outlets for a mental release. The bad thing is that it was only a matter of time before we would get burnt out with the lifting and combat mind set, 10 months to be exact, so when I did get home the last thing I wanted to do was step into a conventional gym. Not to mention having all the food and booze that I had craved for the last year at my hands and not wanting anything but to relax and reintegrate into normal living, it was very easy to put on a few pounds.
The biggest change that I have seen/made since joining the CC community in February is probably my motivation and personal drive.I am happier with my self when I eat properly (not to say I don't cheat from time to time) but feel better physically and mentally with proper nutrition. I now shop and order completely different than I did in the past and its lead me to learn that I like a lot more of different kinds of food other than burgers and beers. I get in a WOD, either weights or cardio based almost every day. I spend my personal time doing more things outdoors and find myself happier and more at peace for doing so.
One experience/workout that stands out in my mind since I've joined CC is hard to determine.
I know that every time I show up for class or get prescribed a Spartan WOD its a new challenge. I have only been with CC since Feb and all the WODs continue to surprise me. I find myself constantly learning new movements and techniques. I have more fun then ever working out with the CC community.
Check out Ryan's Spartan Challenge results here. View all Spartan Results.
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