A family who owns/runs a CrossFit box together?
A family who all crossfit and live the code as such?
An extended family at your box or among several local boxes?
The support you feel at CrossFit competitions and while visiting other CrossFit locations?
The extensive online community, support, and wealth of information shared by CrossFitters everywhere?
Many of you already know, I work with my husband (Jeremy)...my sister-in-law (Carey)...my brother-in-law (Zach)...and as of last week my sister (Susan...more on her coming soon!) at CrossFit Central.
Shameless plug for my husband!!! Check out this article: Recently Jeremy was featured in the Austin Business Journal in an article about how to make family and business a successful adventure.
My family is a CrossFit Family not only because we work together but because WE ARE CROSSFIT - we eat Paleo, talk about WODs, check out the "mainsite", or watch SICFIT videos together. CrossFit is our livelihood and our way of life.
But having a CrossFit Family means something more than just seeing my 3-4 relatives at "work" and being able to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner without any 'gluten' brought to our meal!
The spirit of the CrossFit Family is bigger than us! This is a family that shows support for current members and instantly welcomes new comers.
It spreads throughout CrossFit Central, throughout area and other regional CrossFit affiliates, throughout the country and as I was recently reminded - throughout the WORLD! We are part of a global family.
The magnitude of this truth recently hit home during a recent conversation with my mom who lives in Quito, Ecuador. I am tempted to give a long back story of my mom's fitness adventures but I'll keep it short and sweet! While walking thru her neighborhood about 2 months ago Mom stumbled across a sign for "CrossFit Quito" - she instantly thought it must be a fraud or just someone who heard the CrossFit name and liked it.....(I am not sure I did justice in explaining to her that CrossFit is global and that it indeed could be a CrossFit box in her neck of the woods!) The name and sight of a few kettlebells inside peaked her curiosity and she decided to stick her head in the place! Mom was greeted by a woman in her fifties and her husband. It turned out that CrossFit Quito is another CrossFit Family owned business by the couple who greeted my mom and their sons, David and Carlos Andrade.
Once the connection was made and they found out that my mom, Gala, was the mother-in-law to "Jeremy Thiel" and "Carey Kepler" of "CrossFit Central" the Mighty Gala (as they have nicknamed her) received comped classes, rock star status, and all the amenities of our global CrossFit Family.
I've been impressed by my CrossFit Family many times but I can't express how grateful I am to have David and family taking care of my mom - teaching her to use kbells - swing hammers - use Lacrosse balls to cure aches and pains.

These are photos from the "Mighty Gala" album on Facebook :) and a little note from Mom.
"lisa - with that sledgehammer in my hands i'm mentally back on Fines Creek splitting wood for our woodstove - this is my FAVORITE crossfit move! - I totally transport back to a really precious memory. it also conjures up memories of little 7-year-old Lisa running laps around the house while I counted them from the kitchen window - remember that? the start of your athletic career!"
"lisa - with that sledgehammer in my hands i'm mentally back on Fines Creek splitting wood for our woodstove - this is my FAVORITE crossfit move! - I totally transport back to a really precious memory. it also conjures up memories of little 7-year-old Lisa running laps around the house while I counted them from the kitchen window - remember that? the start of your athletic career!"
Great post Lisa! The end teared me up, snif snif! Cute note from your momma!