The short and sweet of it is - this recipe called for a lot of jokes...and a lot of patience!
While the final product was DELICIOUS -the process was more than I bargained for partly because I failed to find a "nut milk bag" (see jokes....and yes, that really exists) but MOSTLY because I tried to make the recipe with 3 LBS of Brazil nuts as opposed to the 3 CUPS that the recipe called for. OOOPS......
First was lots of soaking...grinding...adding water....more grinding...breaking it up into smaller portions to grind...then taste....this is the part where 3lbs vs. 3 cups was a big deal :)
Now for the jokes and the patience....pour concoction into a cheese cloth and squeeze out the "juice"...repeat....repeat...repeat
Finished product gave me 1 pitcher of Vanilla Nut Nog and a bowl of Brazil nut/date flour (muffin recipe from that mixture posted next week!!)
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