Below are a few things that my "friends" have starting to laugh at me for doing or should I say not being able to do.... The title is something someone said to me after watching me do one of the following:
- Put on my shoes gracefully - a fews grunts and a crooked tie (off to the side b/c head on is just too much work) is more my style these days!
- Get out of the pool - yep, I am that girl swimming thru the other swimmers' lanes to get to the stairs...I can no longer POP up and out of the side of my swim lane!
- Move around furniture, people, door frames without hitting something - like I said I "forget" I am pregnant and that my size is no longer the out for the accidental belly bump!
- Get off the floor and onto my feet - it seems the "roll to one side, push yourself up with your hands and scramble to your feet" is something fun to watch! I've been doing a lot of floor press and the "get up" is becoming just as much a part of the workout as the press!
- Make a full day of plans and stick with them - I've hit the point of "I need a nap after an hour of anything" Sorry in advance if I can't follow thru on my plans with you for the day - I still can't tell when I am gonna get hit with the "sleep now" stick!
Workout Update: The last 3 weeks I can tell the biggest changes/limitations in what I can/want to do! Getting anything from the ground is just not comfy - so now it's hang positions with bb's, etc. Any kind of jump is yuck (double unders are actually most comfy b/c the jumps are low). As my hips/joints get looser and my abs get more stretched - my midwife suggests more pushing than pulling!
My favorite workouts/moves this week:
- Butcher push - pick a distance and GO every min on the min for 10
- "Prego Fit Lynne" - DB Press and Ring Row
- 20 min on the Airdyne (most comfy met con move right now) 1 min GO - 1 min EASY
- Med ball slams - 30 sec on/30 sec rest for 10 rounds
- Swimming - anything in the watter is great - TX is getting HOT and being weightless is more awesome now than ever before.
Love your pregnancy posts!