Sunday, July 24, 2011

One thing missing....

I leave tomorrow for Carson, CA for what will be my 4th trip to The CrossFit Games. I've been as an individual - a spectator - a team member - now an individual again.
This time I am more prepared and excited than ever.

What am I feeling?

Ready to have FUN

My last minute check list includes:

*packed bags
*SicNight's Party outfit
*Jeremy Thiel by my side
*photos of my vision board (can't fit that thing on the plane!)

A few people have asked, "Can I bring anything for you?" "What can I do to help while you're gone?", etc.

Since you asked:

SEND ME POSITIVE THOUGHTS - THOUGHTS OF BELIEF - GOOD VIBRATIONS of any kind! I know they'll reach me in Cali!

Thank you for your support. Let's go DO this!

1 comment:

  1. Best of Luck Lisa we will be sending lots of good strong vibes from Perth, Match
