Monday, March 25, 2013

Live the Code - Mission, Power Song, and MORE!

This weekend THE Zach Even-Esh was in town for an Underground Strength Cert and BONUS on Sunday, he and Jeremy held the 1st Live the Code seminar.  These guys are two hugely successful -powerful business men in the same industry - yet with very different tactics/methods.  While I get the "privilege" of hearing these two pontificate on a more regular basis - I was (not surprisingly) RECHARGED by the seminar!

You can NOT explore your Passion - outline your Mission - refocus your goals too often or too much - thanks Zach!  And you can never listen to your Power Song too many times - thanks Jeremy :)

Now let's get MONDAY going!

My Power Songs:

Simply The Best - Tina Turner.... from the locker room of my high school v-ball days!

Move Bitch - Ludacris......b/c that's what I wanna say but am "too nice"

All The Above - T-PAIN.....more of an Anthem than Power Song - sometimes it take 30+ yrs to find your path...."mission to be what I am destine to be"....

1 comment:

  1. Your anthem reminded me of this classic little gem:
